[Student Grades] Monitor student grades in all courses

Our teachers and student support managers, who keep track of a student's progress across all courses, have an overwhelming need to view all students grades even though they are not one of their teachers. We would love a summary view of student's grades just like students and parents can see when they click on Grades from the Global Navigation. Currently, our staff have to go to each course to see a student's grade in that course, which is far from efficient. We would like for staff to simply be able to click on the student's name and see their progress in all courses they are enrolled in.

I am aware that Dropout Detective provides this functionality, but we do not need the extra features it provides.


Note: This was previously requested in the old community.


Hey Chris,

Thanks for being present in our community and for providing the link to the Alliance Partner - AspirEDU​ space.  Its great to have actively engaged partners interacting in the community.


Thanks, Scott.  There is a lot being posted in the Community that we can provide answers for.  I'm trying to respond without being too "salesy".

Community Explorer

September of 2015? How is Canvas still even in business if it takes over a year for an idea to be voted on and then to be "currently in development"?


 @sharmsen ​ -- Dropout Detective from Alliance Partner - AspirEDU​ provides this capability, among many others.  Please see below and contact me through our Partner page if you are interested in knowing more.  Thanks!


Community Explorer

You're telling me I have to use another's software to do what I want to do with your software, or is this still Canvas software? Does this cost money? Is it part of canvas or do i download it from the link you provided? The best answer I got was from another faculty member, and that was, "Even though Canvas is flawed, I open multiple tabs of the courses I have and search the students within those tabs". Why can't I be able to have a master list of all students with their grades?

Community Novice

I am very confused that this "idea" was 1) listed as having its 'last activity' yesterday, March 14th; 2) is currently categorized as "in development" -- with the second-highest number of votes of any idea in this category -- yet 3) has not had any real or meaningful updates on progress provided by Canvas in over a year. Is this because the new "idea" system in the Canvas Community was only recently unveiled?

My main point is, Canvas should be able to do this, without us having to manually create .HTM files to hack into a student's /users/xxx/grades pageview... (Thanks to the teacher that contributed that awesome workaround, BTW). So, will this be incorporated into a future Canvas release, or not? Do I need to encourage other Canvas uses to return to up-voting it?

Community Team
Community Team

Thank you to all of you that have participated in the conversation, and follow this idea.  We are going to move this idea out of 'in development' and back to Product Radar.  Canvas Data does provide an opportunity for a solution to this idea, however the idea as a feature of Canvas is not currently being worked on.

Continue to follow this idea for updates as they come available.

Community Team
Community Team

 @mmikulski ‌

Thank you for this comment.  It looks like we were both curious for an update about the same time.  I just posted an update from our product team.

Community Coach
Community Coach

Just as an aside, since I know this is a rather old feature idea... I hope if this is developed that it'll be tied to it's own unique role-based permission.  In higher-ed, we certainly can't have teachers seeing grades for other courses a student is taking (huge FERPA violation there).  I can see some kind of advising/admin possibly being able to access this and find it useful, but we already have separate systems for official grades (our SIS) and early-warning, and we don't even have most advising staff loaded into Canvas at all.

Community Novice

Please explain how that would be a huge FERPA violation. If its on a

teacher's job description to help a student achieve the basic academic

goals of the school -- which it is with all of our teachers -- then it is

clearly within their rights to have access to global performance data