Word count for Speedgrader (DocViewer) grading

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

It would be extremely helpful for student submissions to also include a word count when we are correcting them on Speedgrader through DocViewer.

Thank you!


Comments from Instructure

Per comment:

Hello, all! Just a quick note to share that this idea is currently being worked on. There are a couple things to consider in this request and we will need to address them in iterations.

Our first step is to add word count to SpeedGrader for text entry assignments. Our currently plan is for this to be available in November.

Our next step is to do some additional scoping for how to accomplish this with files uploaded and viewed through DocViewer. More to come on this as we look into if this can be accurately and consistently made available.

Community Coach
Community Coach

:smileycheck:  Nifty idea,  @roniabusaad  !  May I ask which extension did you select and why?

There are three to choose from:   Chrome Web Store  

Community Contributor

It would be very helpful it Word Count could be added as a requirement for submitting Assignments or Discussion replies, or any writing that students submit through the Canvas system -- then show the word count.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

 @cmccann1 ‌, the word count requirement for discussions is the subject of https://community.canvaslms.com/ideas/12682-word-count-minimum-and-maximum-in-discussions , which is open for voting at this writing.

Community Explorer

Please add this feature. It would be extremely beneficial to us if we could see the word count when we are grading. I would like to add a minimum word requirement to assignments but do not as I don't have the time to keep moving in and out of each assignment. Pretty please!!

Community Novice

Without and automatic word count, perhaps "Speedgrader" should be renamed


Community Explorer

Since it counts words when typing in it, it should be able to have a final count. For now, I am using a Chrome plug-in, but it would be great if it was just in there.

Community Novice

The failure to make word count possible for teachers is YET ANOTHER example of how little Instructure cares about teachers. This fix was suggested how long ago? Over four and a half years? But, of course, you haven't gotten around to it yet. 

Students are always given word minimums on assignments -- when I suspect they didn't meet them, I have to copy and paste their assignment into Word or a Google Doc to find out a word count. That takes at least 30-45 seconds. That may not seem like much, but when you grade several thousand papers each year? It really adds up. It's maddening.

The SIMPLEST programs have word count, like Notepad. Yet, for some baffling reason, you all can't work this in to SpeedGrader? 

When I think about all the things I loathe about Canvas -- most of them are in SpeedGrader, where I spend way too much of my time -- I'm left with debating between the following options:

1. You don't care about your customers. One a school starts using the product, it's too much hassle to switch, so you keep customers, regardless of how inferior your product is (and it's bad.) Why bother investing in improving your products?

2. You're wildly under-staffed. You put resources into sales and marketing, but that's it.

3. Whoever runs the company had a bad experience in school or college and hates teachers. This is all a sick joke to get back at Mrs. Whatsherface or Mr. Whositwhat. If so, well played, sir. You've succeeded. Clap. Clap. Clap.

With genuine fury,

Mr. Matt Pacenza

Community Participant

Perfectly said. I feel the same fury on a regular basis.

Community Novice

I feel your pain! I am so frustrated with this issue. I don't understand why the word count is available for the assignment instructions I type into Canvas, but there's no word count for student submissions. I've worn out the control button on two keyboards from copying text into Word for thousand of students submissions each semester. 

Community Novice

From the students' perspective, not everyone is using word processing software that has word count. I have received messages from multiple students who are counting every word, since Canvas doesn't provide the count.