Canvas Ideas

Ideas are submissions from Community users. Instructure reviews these ideas weekly.

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1677 Ideas in: Open

I often need to free up space in my Files page (within its folder structure), and I find myself downloading a large image file, reducing its size using my Windows app, and then re-uploading the file a...

Community Participant Canvas Ideas
  • 5 Replies

A setting I would find very helpful would be to allow or prevent late submissions based on the due date.  I have stopped using the available/unavailable date in assignments for a few reasons. Mainly, ...

Community Champion Canvas Ideas
  • 5 Replies

Please make a one-click path back to Home page from gradebook.

Community Explorer Canvas Ideas
  • 6 Replies

I'm really pleased with most of the new quiz engine, except for a glaring flaw: Matching and Categorization-type quizzes not having the rich text editor enabled for question/category and answer fields...

Community Member Canvas Ideas
  • 41 Replies

As admin, I have a faculty member requesting a new feature in Canvas quizzes.  New Feature: Give an option to allow or not allow feedback per question. The faculty member wants to give feedback for ce...

Community Participant Canvas Ideas
  • 12 Replies

Speedgrader should display ungrouped discussions, or not allow students to post to a group discussion until they are assigned to a group. The present state allows a third configuration that is broken....

Community Contributor Canvas Ideas
  • 6 Replies

When a student sends an email/message in Canvas, it currently only shows the original section title. This title is often not helpful and later renamed by teachers (ex: Period 2). Can the renamed secti...

Community Member Canvas Ideas
  • 9 Replies

When assigning an assignment to multiple groups of students, I would love to be able to simply copy and paste a list of student names into the "assign to" field.    I can not create separate sections ...

Community Explorer Canvas Ideas
  • 9 Replies

When writing a message to a parent, Observer, it can be very difficult to know who their parent is exactly without having to first search through the People page. The People page does not allow us to ...

Community Explorer Canvas Ideas
  • 18 Replies

Currently, it appears the Student Interactions Report only shows grades in percentages, and will not use the custom grading scheme. Whichever grading scheme is selected for the course (including custo...

Community Member Canvas Ideas
  • 5 Replies

When students re-submit their work, the original feedback from the teacher is saved. Additionally, students can indicate they've 'accepted' or 'rejected' the feedback (similar to Goggle Docs Comments)...

Community Member Canvas Ideas
  • 7 Replies

I like SpeedGrader.  To make it faster, please move the "Next" arrow near the score input box.  I input a grade into the box and then move the mouse up to the top of the screen.  Not a big deal for on...

Community Member Canvas Ideas
  • 10 Replies

In the Speed Grader, when I'm viewing assignments that have multiple files uploaded, there is no indication about which file I'm currently looking at. Please incorporate a marker (title on the viewer ...

Community Participant Canvas Ideas
  • 8 Replies

Provide a quiz accomodation which removes one incorrect answer choice from selected students. For example, if I provide four choices with one correct answer, the accomodation would only have 3 choices...

Community Member Canvas Ideas
  • 21 Replies

I'd like to give both faculty and students the option to re-order the items on their To Do list in terms of their personal priority. As an instructor (and I assume a student) we have the option to rem...

Community Explorer Canvas Ideas
  • 12 Replies

When reopening a new quiz attempt, it is not clear how much time remains to a student.  I propose that the time that will be allowed to a student whose quiz is reopened be clearly displayed on the sam...

Community Champion Canvas Ideas
  • 11 Replies

The "reopen" a current attempt option in moderate restarts students with the time they have remaining at the time when I click the button.  However, with remote teaching, coordinating that the quiz ne...

Community Champion Canvas Ideas
  • 10 Replies

I would like to suggest that each discussion board created have it's own attachment setting instead of it being all or nothing.  I have some instructors that don't want that feature available in all d...

Community Explorer Canvas Ideas
  • 6 Replies

SinceCanvas Deploy Notes (2020-09-23) , the New RCE Links button creates an external link as its default action. It would be better for the default action to open the Course Links tab. External links ...

Community Coach Canvas Ideas
  • 5 Replies

Please include the ability for teachers to select "View Feedback Once After Each Attempt" in New Quizzes! If we lose this feature with New Quizzes, I don't know what we are going to do! I'm adding thi...

Community Contributor Canvas Ideas
  • 13 Replies