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SynopsisThis document will show you how to use Microsoft Excel and the Canvas Provisioning Report to generate a list of all courses with their teachers that are Unpublished (or Published). Three solutions are presented: a recommended approach using E...

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Canvas LMS Blog


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Canvas I will share an "Academic Apple" with the Instructional Design group.  Every beginning to an academic year is different than the other, however many things remain the same.  For instance our institution uses master courses that populate the on...

Community Novice
Canvas LMS Blog

Instructional Designer

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Amongst other things, here are five things I do before the start of the September term:Prepare face-to-face Canvas orientation sessions for new and returning students.Provide advice and support to new and existing academic and professional services s...

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Canvas LMS Blog

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Our institution has a distributed campus model that follows the traditional semester structure for courses, while our Distance Education program utilizes the rolling registration model for courses. The DE program is easy because it is more of a “set ...

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Our team of instructional designers always looks forward to a new term, and we do so with a S.M.I.L.E.Suggest faculty review our helpful resources. - We have extensive resources available to faculty (including ourselves), and the beginning of a term ...

Community Novice
Canvas LMS Blog

Instructional Designer

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As a teacher and professional educator, I love student teachers! Having a student teacher is a rich, reflective and rewarding experience. If you think about it, it's what renews our profession. (renew = make new)As a IT/IS Professional, Student Teach...

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Canvas LMS Blog
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I love this Canvas Community mission!I am a full-time instructional designer with the occasional opportunity to teach a class or series. A large part of my job is to ensure that IU instructors are prepared and successful in the online courses they te...

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Canvas LMS Blog

Instructional Designer

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Inspired by Deactivated user​'s awesome post Welcome Back - Start of School 2015-2016!​ I sought to create a visual guide or presentation that could be used by anyone that needed to give an update to their staff or students on some of the new changes...

Community Champion
Canvas LMS Blog
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Update: August 26, 2017This was one of my early works and before I learned how to package it to make it easy for people to use. I've repackaged it and made it act more like the other Canvancements I've written. The script still worked after these two...

Community Champion
Canvas LMS Blog

Instructional Designer

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Quick InstallMake sure a user script manager such as Tampermonkey is installed and enabled.Install the sort-rubric.users.js fileMore information is available on my Sort a Rubric Canvancement page.Update: October 24, 2019With the October 23, 2019, dep...

Community Champion
Canvas LMS Blog

Instructional Designer

  • 50 Replies

SynopsisThis will show how you can execute two lines of JavaScript code inside your browser that will add drag and drop functionality to a rubric and allow you change the order of the criteria.IntroductionBack in April,  @Chris_Hofer ​ created a feat...

Community Champion
Canvas LMS Blog

Instructional Designer

  • 5 Replies

If you have recently purchased HMH Common Cartridge text books, you may have found that they are extremely large and import into Canvas as one GIANT module that is extremely time consuming to break apart.  We have discovered a (completely unsupported...

Instructure Instructure
Canvas LMS Blog


  • 2 Replies

If any of you have practicums in your embedded in your courses and/or if you are a public school teacher, can you please add one objective/skill  you would want pre-service teachers to have when they join the teaching field. Please feel free to add t...

Community Novice
Canvas LMS Blog

Instructional Designer

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(I originally posted this as a comment to but figured it was worth having here for others)I thought it might be helpful to share my strategies for locating the page and offending link when I am troubleshooting a broken link issue. In this example le...

Instructure Alumni Instructure Alumni
Canvas LMS Blog


  • 1 Replies

At Instructurecon this year, I presented a session on badges. While there are several solutions for badging that integrate with Canvas and more being developed, my current favorite is Canvabadges. More than platform and how to make badges, I think it...

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Canvas LMS Blog

Instructional Designer

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In this episode, recorded on July 2,  @kona ​ joined me to talk about instcon 2015 and the Canvas community. Episode 0.5 by The Canvas Podcast

Instructure Alumni Instructure Alumni
Canvas LMS Blog


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Updated 9/16/16 with new screen shots to reflect changes in user interface and rich content editor. I anticipate that this could be a problem on our campus as most of our courses are converted WebCT 6 courses.  One of our instructors gracious allowed...

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Canvas LMS Blog

Instructional Designer

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    Official Canvas DocumentCanvas PagesCanvas ModulesHome PageCollaboration/Wiki PageContent PageResource PageStructure of your CourseControl Access to Content (by date, Pre-Requisite or/and Order)Set Completion CriteriaThings to Consider:What type ...

Instructure Instructure
Canvas LMS Blog

Instructional Designer

  • 2 Replies

Guest Host:Kent Gruber and Sam BachertTopics of Discussion:Beta Release Notes calendar feature (big one that people have really wanted)Submit and Re-Submit button placementRename Course Catalog t...

Instructure Alumni Instructure Alumni
Canvas LMS Blog


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I have a few Chrome browser settings and extensions that I thought might be useful to other admins, and would bet that many others in the community have developed other shortcuts to save time. Please share yours in the comments!Easily search for a us...

Community Novice
Canvas LMS Blog


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I've been working with one of our instructors for several months and helping him with Groups he's got set up in his course.  One of the challenges he's had is there isn't an easy way to find the student groups links from an instructor's point of view...

Community Coach Community Coach
Canvas LMS Blog


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Animated GifsWe've all seen animated gifs on the internet. They are nice because it's a short animation without the need of hosting a video file somewhere like YouTube. I've been using them in some of my Technology Training courses when a felt like a...

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Canvas LMS Blog

Instructional Designer

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End of Year GuideAuthored by  @clong This guide is a collaborative effort to help you end your school year or terms smoothly. By carefully considering these  recommendations you should have the information you need to take the right actions for your ...

Community Team Community Team
Canvas LMS Blog


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Deactivated user​ requested that I post this here. Honestly, it feels sort of odd to write an entire blog post about a single API endpoint, but here goes.When installing External Tools (aka Apps, aka LTI tools), especially from commercial publishers,...

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Canvas LMS Blog


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 @kedgecomb ​ created these helpful resources for inserting grid lines into tables that have been copied and pasted from Excel and Word tables:Add Gridlines to a copied table from Microsoft ExcelAdd Gridlines to a copied table from Microsoft Word

Instructure Alumni Instructure Alumni
Canvas LMS Blog

Instructional Designer

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Please note that Instructure is no longer using jQuery in their designs or development. jQuery is presently part of Canvas and Instructure currently has no plans to change this. jQueryUI is a separate library that has historically been available in C...

Instructure Instructure
Canvas LMS Blog

Instructional Designer

  • 115 Replies

I had seen this in Any way to annotate a Page in Canvas?​ where  @Chris_Hofer ​ and stefaniesanders​ explained how to use this to "annotate a page" in Canvas, but forgot about it until this morning when it came up again in the office. Here is a quick...

Instructure Alumni Instructure Alumni
Canvas LMS Blog


  • 13 Replies

I’m sure many course designers would agree that the need to quickly create a structure or repeat action should be able to be achieved with as few clicks as possible. That does not quite align with the official response to the feature request to “Copy...

Community Novice
Canvas LMS Blog

Instructional Designer

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Time / DateFriday, June 26th, 3pm MST, 6pm EDT, 10pm UTC.Pre-Show DiscussionDiscuss first two episode postingsFollow-Up on logo and intro/outro musicaudio check to make sure recording is functioningTopics of Discussion:Stuff we didn't get to from Jun...

Instructure Alumni Instructure Alumni
Canvas LMS Blog


  • 2 Replies

Let's get together and talk about the conference. Here are the details.The Canvas Podcast - InstructureCon 2015 EditionTime / Date / PlaceThursday, June 18th, 3:45pm - Whenever (Park City Time)Red Tail Restaurant in the Grand Summit HotelPre-Show Dis...

Instructure Alumni Instructure Alumni
Canvas LMS Blog


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