Administrative Settings for Picture Upload in Profile

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Is it possible to allow faculty users to upload pictures in their profile but not students?

2 Solutions
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi there @Taylor_cm! Unfortunately this isn't an option; since users can have some courses where they are teachers and others where they are students, there wouldn't be a way to regulate that per user.

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Community Coach
Community Coach

I agree with @JessicaDeanSVC that there is no built-in way to do this in Canvas.  You *might* be able to do some customizations via theme javascript/css, but that gets into "unsupported" territory and you would have to consider scenarios like Jessica brought up where users may have multiple roles in different courses or no roles at all and how you'd want to handle those.  I'm mentioning this as a possibility, but it's a road that many schools/institutions will not go down because of the support headache these sorts of customizations can become as Canvas is a constantly evolving platform.


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