Assignment point totals

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Assignment point totals. 

Is there a way for Canvas to automatically total points for assignments? This feature would be helpful since in some courses there are many graded activities with points. Right now, we use a calculator to add up point totals when we QA courses, but that method is prone to error.

It would be convenient  if there was a feature that automatically totaled the points. Also, the total would indicate if any graded activities are missing if the total is not as expected.



1 Solution
Community Contributor

Hi @AlanPierce ,

If you have all the assignments in the same Assignment Group, you can go to the column in the Gradebook for that Assignment Group. Click on the percentage shown for a student, and you should see the points earned/points possible for that student. You may need to check your Gradebook Settings->View Options to make sure "Hide Assignment Group Totals" is unchecked.

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