CBE assessment grading

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I know the typical way to calculate grades is to add up points and/or average scores. I'm looking for a way to return a non-passing grade on a course or assessment if ANY part of an assessment rubric gets scored below a 3 (meets expectations).

I looked at the "calculation method" on the Outcomes page but none of the options work for this form of competency-based education (CBE) grading. Example rubric: (1) I can take off safely. (2) I can land the plane safely. It doesn't work to average the scores (4 on taking off and 2 on landing) and say they passed with a 3. They need a 3 or higher in each area to pass.

Thanks in advance!

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

@TomCaswell I don't think there is a way to return a failing grade if a student fails just one criterion on a rubric. These have been my recommendations to implement styles of grading where passing overall requires passing each component (at the assignment & course levels) using the grading tools available in Canvas.

  1. Grade each assignment as all or nothing (100% or 0%).
  2. Explain (on the syllabus) that the course & assignment grading are all pass/fail, so they pass the course if they get 100% and otherwise fail.
  3. Rubrics (like those with 5 point scales) should not be used for grading, but they may be attached to assignments to help shape substantive feedback.
  4. If students are allowed to skip some assignments, assignment group drop rules can be set.

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