Can't delete assignments

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I can't delete a module; it lets me set it up, but then once I hit "Delete Group" I just get the spinning star forever. When I refresh the module is still there.

Tried deleting the individual assignments. In this case it lets me delete them, asks me to confirm the delete and they disappear from the module. But when I refresh, they come back.


1 Solution

Hi again, @lglen2 ...

Thank you for sharing that video.  Just so we are all on the same page, you were using the term "module" in your video and in your original question, but you are actually on the "Assignments" index page.  The area on the "Assignments" page that you're having difficulties with is an Assignment Group called "Delete".  The "Modules" course navigation is separate from the "Assignments" course navigation button.

After reviewing your video, I tried making an Assignment Group in my own sandbox course, and I put three assignments in it.  After exiting that page and returning to the "Assignments" index page (just so that things refreshed properly), I was able to successfully delete a single assignment and then delete the entire Assignment Group I had just created.

Have you tried things like clearing your browser cache/history?  Or, maybe try a different browser completely?  Many people use either Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.  However, I can also tell you that I've had good success with the Microsoft Edge browser on my Windows 11 laptop.

After clearing your cache, I always recommend shutting down the browser, re-opening the browser, and then try to log back in to Canvas to see if things are working better for you.

I know that one of the other Canvas Coaches, @chriscas, also watched your video, and he wasn't able to replicate what you are experiencing either.

If none of the above works, I'd recommend reaching out to Canvas Support to see if they can be of more assistance to you.  I'd be interested in hearing what they have to say, so if you go this route, please come back to this topic to provide an update.

How do I get help with Canvas as an instructor?

Good luck, and keep us posted!  Thanks!

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