Canvas Discussion Assessment

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I am attempting to do the Canvas Discussion Assessment at the end of Module 3 in the SOLO course and it will not allow me participate. How do I go about getting this done so that I can move on to the next Module?

I have reached out to the instructor and have not gotten a response.

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @ErickaMeyers,

Reaching out to your instructor is really the best way to get an answer to this.  We in the global community of Canvas users don't have access to your account or course or anything, so we have no way to know why the discussion is not allowing you to participate right now.  It's likely something that your instructor either set up to be locked until a certain daytime or requirements are met, or just an oversight that they will need to adjust.  Hopefully your instructor will respond to you soon with information!

Apologies that we can't be much more help to you on this one.


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