Canvas files

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Community Participant

Hi there,

Questions with regards the Files area in Canvas.   Why would I get a message to say that 179% of 52.4Mb has been used?  Also, does your own files area, just include the files you have uploaded and not all the files in the courses?  If I wanted to increase the Files quota for individuals, not for courses, can this be done?

Thank you, Kerrie.

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @330467,

Being over quota is a bit perplexing, as that shouldn't generally happen.  I'm unsure if that may be a bug in the calculation, or a bug somewhere else that let things upload over quota.  I'm assuming you're in your user files area from the 50MB limit, and there are many things (like assignment submissions) that end up in that area but shouldn't count towards the quota number, so maybe there's just an error somewhere in that calcualtion.

In terms of changing quotas, if you're an account admin, you can do that by following the How do I set storage quotas for an account? - Instructure Community guide.  Note that while you can set the quotas to whatever you want in the system, your contract may have specified storage limits that you should still manage.  The quotas in the system are there to basically help you achieve the overall limits set in your contract.

-Hope this helps!


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