Disable student comments on assignments

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Hi all, is there a way to disable student comments on assignments? I find that students use the comment option to ask questions that they should be emailing me, and I'd rather them not have the option to comment.

1 Solution
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On any Canvas course, click on the "settings" link from the course menu, then on the "Course Details" tab, at very bottom of the page click "more options" and the the last checkbox allows us to "Disable comments on announcements." 


Or... even better would be to have an option to disable comments all together and to have the option to only disable the ability to attach files to comments...  It can be done for announcements, please extend that to assignments. 

I'm half way through summer classes, one session just finished and the next one has just begun.  I'm very tired and am growing disheartened by the lack of ability to control when, where, how, and in what format that students "submit" work.  Students see multiple options to put files into Canvas so they think they are justified to use what ever they prefer.  Many students tell me that they feel like I'm just being heavy-handed in trying to make them needlessly jump through hoops. 

I'm responsible for all the general intro lab courses in our department - up to 28 sections total of multiple courses with a staff of up to 30 grad TAs.  I want the TAs to use grading rubrics and leave feedback.  I want the TAs to use the file viewer mark-up tools to show students problems with submitted work, leave suggestions for what to do differently next time, etc.  That is not possible if they attach files to comment sections. 

Other courses may benefit from comments on assignments and being able to attach files to comments but this is a major problem for my courses.  Please help.  I'd go back to Blackboard just to avoid this one particular problem if I was able.  Canvas does other things so well...  Please take our pleas for help to improve this important, basic functionality.

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