Discussion board sidebar not working

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Are other places seeing issues with the discussion board sidebar replies going back out to the main board rather than under the post they were replying to?

We are seeing students replying to a post but is goes back out to the main discussion board rather than staying nested in the reply area. Essentially all replies are posting as a new thread rather than a reply.

Any way to fix this issue besides changing the look to the entire discussion board? 

Instructure are you looking at this broken sidebar?

Thank you,

Karen Matson


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1 Solution
Community Team
Community Team

Hi @KarenMatson - 

There is currently not a documented Known Issue regarding this, so if you haven't already opened a ticket with Support, I encourage you to do so. Opening a ticket allows our Support agents and engineers to take a closer look at your instance and have a more accurate diagnosis.

I am curious about what may cause this, and I hope that other Community members are able to share their experiences too.

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