External tool not showing up in teacher accounts

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I have several teachers who do not have access to external apps anymore. The list is completely empty. Any idea on how to restore those?

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Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @StephanieEdmon1,

An empty list in that location probably means that a local Canvas admin (maybe that's you?) configured an allow list token in one o =r more of your Canvas accounts.  Either that token is specifically configured to hide all apps, or the token is invalid, which will now cause Canvas to hide all of the apps in case they were not meant to be released.  The  How do I manage an allow list in the Edu App Cente... - Instructure Community - 203  and  How do I link an Edu App Center allow list to Canv... - Instructure Community - 247  guides should walk you through the process of checking your tokens (or removing them) if you're an admin.  If you're not an admin, you'd probably want to speak to your local Canvas team to find out if this change was intentional or not.

Hope this helps!


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Hi @StephanieEdmon1,

If they have the apps tab available, the only thing I know of that can affect what apps are shown there is the access key/token.  If you have subaccounts, you may need to check each and every account to make sure there are valid tokens in the allow list, or just remove all of the token info, as that would show everything by default.  I don't think any specific user account filtering of that lost is possible, so I'm 99% confident it's an allow list issue in one of your instance subaccounts.


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