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When I duplicated a weekly module the previous week is also attached without the text header. How do I separate these? Each module is a week, but at the end of some of them is another week attached after Friday

  • 1 Replies

When trying to upload a video in Canvas, it does not upload. It keeps showing: File storage quota exceeded, what does this mean and why won't it let me upload it?

  • 2 Replies

Can someone tell me where I might be able to find the book assigned to my next class? There used to be a link on the CalSouthern portal.  I can't find it any longer.  I like to get the book a bit in advance so I can start reading ahead.

  • 1 Replies

Word count in SpeedGrader is wildly inaccurate. I have two instances that are not a couple of words off but over a thousand words off. They are both files saved as PDF 1.7 files from MS Word but both with wholly inaccurate word counts. Is this just m...

  • 5 Replies

How can I Change Grades in a Closed Grading Period Marking Period 1 when a student had an Incomplete and I need to change it WITHOUT changing the Marking period to include the current date. Too much can go wrong with it adding marking period 2? ANY O...

  • 1 Replies

I can't find the dark mode on Canvas for my browers, and none of the links help I've come across. How do I access darkmode on my PC browsers? 

  • 8 Replies

The first trimester ended on Friday for students.  I am trying to input grades for that period to complete my report cards.  I am not able to view any grades.

  • 2 Replies

Hi everyone, Is there a way that students can see a list of the open course assignments that they have not yet completed? I'm trying to avoid having to create a list of open work manually.  I know that the To-Do list outlines uncompleted tasks, but i...

  • 1 Replies

We have a course that includes an Assignment Group with 5 brief SCORM exercises. We are seeing that if a student attempts only several of the assignments in this group (2 out 5, 3 out of 5, etc.), their Canvas percentage for this Assignment Group is ...

  • 1 Replies

I teach American Sign Language and post a lot of PowerPoint slides with videos that consume all my file storage. I end up having to do a lot of rework due to having to delete earlier unit PowerPoints and videos and then reload them for each new semes...

  • 1 Replies

Is there is a way to hide the OneDrive LTI course navigation button by default?

  • 4 Replies

I searched the community for a while and could not find a clear answer, and trying to follow links to "themes" resulted in me being able to do nothing, so I want to ask the question here again and see if anything has happened or if anyone (that under...

  • 3 Replies

I finally discovered how to filter out UNPUBLISHED assignments, but it is in the gradebook settings, not in the filters as described here: However, this really should be a filter so it is quick and easy to turn on/off the unpublished assignments.  Ev...

  • 2 Replies

Hello, I am still a relatively novice learner of the outcomes features on Canvas. I have a course with outcomes, but two were previously deleted from the outcomes tab, but are showing up as alignments with no assignment alignments. They are also not ...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
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Hi all, I am importing a .mbz Moodle2 course into a Canvas course shell. It is stuck on queued. See the photo - I've tried it twice and it's hanging there.  This of course is something I need to get imported by Sunday!  Any thoughts? Thanks!  

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
  • 4 Replies

I put all course content in Modules. I also set up weighted grading groups in Assignments. When I import the course content from one semester to the new semester, all content is put in Imported Assignments. Is there any way to import Modules into the...

  • 1 Replies

None of the students in the course are receiving emails when we use the course Inbox function and I can not see the emails in my Canvas inbox OR Outlook even though I get the "message sent" confirmation. Please help±  

  • 1 Replies

We have a group of activities with 4 activities of 25 points each one. These activities are the 100% of the total grade. We show the grade as complete/incomplete. The students who are completed all the activities, the total grade is 90% instead 100%....

  • 1 Replies

Does the Canvas Link Validator check pages that have been imported from a SCORM file?

Community Member
Canvas Question Forum
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When I receive an email saying my sons work has been graded, I click at bottom where it says "You can review the assignment here". Once logged in and it goes to the page, I can see his grade, the assignment name, etc., but cannot see the actual assig...

Community Member
Canvas Question Forum
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In grades, I use "Message Students Who" to provide feedback for students and as one of the ways I meet the requirements in California for regular and substantive contact. I am up for peer observation soon - how can I ensure that my colleagues will be...

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
  • 2 Replies

I was told I could find additional details regarding Microsoft Teams and setting up meetings, etc. in Canvas.  I can't find anywhere.  Can someone plesae point me in the right direction?  Thank you

  • 2 Replies

We are a K12 hybrid online school, and our elementary program is looking to find better ways to support math. Currently, students are using Kami to show their work for long division. This isn't always user-friendly for students or teachers. Are there...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
  • 1 Replies

When we review activity logs under quiz > build > moderate, it shows under some student written responses "Included Media". What does this mean? Does it indicate that they copy-pasted the answer?

Community Novice
Canvas Question Forum
  • 2 Replies

How do I submit screenshots and paragraphs at the same time?

  • 2 Replies

I recently had an instructor infrom me of the change to peer reviews going to pages instead of being able to scroll through student names. She finds this change to be rather frustrating and would like to see this changed back to the way it used to op...

  • 5 Replies

Does Lock Down Browser require students to pay a fee?

  • 1 Replies

for my students I made 3 tests, and I said they must write 2 tests so now I want to ask for a an exclusion option? like if a student didn't write test 1 to be excluded and the system to count for 2 tests as per my discretion.

  • 2 Replies

Hello! Just like to ask anyone's help here.We recently merged 2 courses (Course A and Course B) into one course (Course C). However, the quiz submissions of the students from course A are only visible in Course C. The quiz submission of the students ...

  • 1 Replies

When I go to quizzes and click to manage question banks, my bookmarked question banks are there, but the edit pencil does not show up on any of them. Does anyone know how to edit those banks? Thanks, Dan Kern

  • 3 Replies