How do I manage an allow list in the Edu App Center?
The Edu App Center allows you to create an allow list of external apps for your institution. After you have created an allow list, you can manage your allow list in Canvas and only display approved external apps to courses in your account and subaccounts.
Note: Apps added to an EduAppCenter allowlist may take up to 24 hours to display in Canvas.
Log in to Edu App Center
In the browser's search bar, type and click the Login link.

Select how you want to log in by choosing Twitter, Github, Microsoft, Google, or creating an account using an email.
Open Organizations

Click the Admin link [1]. In the drop-down menu, select the Organizations link [2].
Note: For more information on creating and managing organizations, visit How do I create and manage organizations in the Edu App Center?
Manage Allow List
Click the Manage Allow List button.
Manage Apps
By default, all apps are hidden. Hidden apps do not display in the app center list. You can show or hide all apps by clicking the Allow All or Hide All buttons [1].
Show or hide individual apps by clicking the Hidden [2] and Visible [3] buttons next to the app.
When you are finished, return to your organization page by clicking the name of your organization [4].
Note: Apps added to an EduAppCenter allowlist may take up to 24 hours to display in Canvas.
Create New Token
To create an API Token, click the Create New Token button.
Note: When an invalid access token is inputted into the Edu App Center, no tools display.
Share API Token
To view your app token, click the App Center Tokens tab [1].
Copy the API token to use for your allow list [2].
An API token can be used to manage allow lists directly in Canvas and display approved apps at the account, subaccount, and course levels.
Note: An organization can create multiple tokens, but each token directs to the same allow list. Multiple tokens can be used to create access for specific users and deleted at a later date.