Grade change after a term has ended

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Just wondering how others are handling grade changes after a term and grading period has ended. I have a few teachers that need to enter grades for an incomplete assignment for last semester. Can anyone share their process with me? We do use grade passback to our SIS but this would be processes/procedures for updating Canvas. Thanks!!

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Hi @Mseewel4344 

For courses where a student needs extended access to finish out an incomplete, we create an additional "Incomplete" section in the course that has extended start and end dates, and add the student and the teacher (to allow them both to make changes to the course) to the section.

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Hi @Mseewel4344 

The instructor also has to be included in the section with the extended dates in order for them to be able to make changes to the course (like new due/availability dates for the student), but yes, this allows them to enter grades for the student.

We do sync to SIS, but it is done "on demand" at the time the instructor is doing grade entry in the SIS, so it can only happen at the instructor's request.

The instructor does not change the course dates to/from Term.  Section dates automatically override course/term dates, as long as the "student participation" option is selected for the section start and end dates ( )

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This method does allow the instructor to enter the grade in the gradebook! We do not sync our grades via SIS, so I can't speak to that component. 

And yes, the teacher has the ability to change the participation back to term themselves, unless maybe you have restricted permissions for the teacher role in that regard. 

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