Grade distribution graphs from students - can this be hidden globally? Not course by course?

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Is there a way to change the default "Hide grade distribution graphs from students" from not being 'checked' to being 'checked'? Without having each teacher remember to select that option?

We have been told by both student and instructors that this feature is not helping our lower performing students. Since we have more college prep courses than Honors/AP/Dual enrollment, we'd like the default to be changed to "hide". Then indivudal teachers have control over this feature being visible.

Thank you,


Course-Details-Helix-Teaching-with-Canvas-2024 (1).png




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1 Solution

Hi @ddamschen,

If you're the admin for your school, you should be able to use the course template feature, which allows you to have a template course set up as you'd like (with this option on), and then apply it to your (presumably root) account so that every new course you create basically inherits the settings of the template course.  Teachers can still change the setting if they wish, but I think this is what you're looking for.  The big caveats are that it would not affect existing courses, and doing imports form a prior course would possibly turn off the setting again if it was off in the course being imported.

Hope this info may help!


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