Group Assignments--Allow each student to submit personal pieces separately.

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I assigned an assignment to student groups. When one student submits his part, it submits on behalf of the group. In some cases, this works well, but in cases where each student in the group is responsible for a different part of the group project, this doesn't work. When a subsequent student, submits, it erases previous files, and submits only the most recent submission.


Am I missing a feature or adjustment?


Thanks for your help!



1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach


I wouldn't say you're missing anything.  That is how group assignments in Canvas work at this point in time (a submission by any single group members counts as the latest submission for the entire group).  If there is a group piece and individual pieces, I'd suggest having two separate assignments (one configured as a group, one not).  That way students will have the appropriate spaces to submit their work.  I realize this may make grading a bit more difficult, but it's the best thing I can really think of at this point.

I hope this helps a bit!


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