Hide right side menu

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I would like to hide the menu on the right side in Canvas, only for the students and only for specific courses. Is that possible? In the left side you can just go to settings and change it. But can you remove it somewhere in the right side aswell?

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1 Solution
Community Contributor

Are you referring to the menu that occasionally pops up on the right, say when you are inserting an image for example? Or are you referring to the menu they see on the Home screen of a course?

For the former, this is a context menu that only shows up when certain actions occur. It is designed to assist users when performing tasks and would be closed when the task is done (or closed by the user clicking the X in the corner). I'm not aware of a user setting to remove this because it is part of the functionality of Canvas. Even if there might be a way to do it administratively by code (something the majority of users do not even have access to by default), I would not recommend it due to the potential to break how Canvas works by the users in that district/institution. 

For the latter, it only impacts the home screen and is meant to provide top-level options for students to quickly check some common things: to-do list, course updates, the course calendar, and notifications. Since it only appears on the Home page, it's overall visual impact is minimal. 

If you are referring to something else, can you share a screenshot of which menu you are referring too?

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