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Hello there,I would like to get my join/pairing code for student's canvass. I have tried to sign in and was unable to enter the details on "join/pairing code". Please helpJames

  • 2 Replies

I cannot seem to remove the "not visible to students" icon and allow the content to be shown to students. This is my first course with Canvas. It has disabled announcements, pages, discussions, etc.. and when I hover over the icon it says, "Disabled,...

  • 3 Replies

A couple of days ago, images on my pages stopped displaying and show alt. text instead. This happened for all of my old Canvas courses and the one I am currently developing for the summer session. I am heavily dependent on the ability to show images....

  • 1 Replies

I am working with this never ending home page of my Student Resource Center. I abandoned graphic buttons on my tabs, which I got to work, but didn't translate when the page jumped to Spanish so I switched to an H4 text with a highlight on them to be ...

  • 2 Replies

I was able to find an instructional video on how to pin one discussion board among many in the course (e.g. Week 5 Discussion). But I am particularly interested in how to pin a specific discussion post within a discussion board. For instance, as an i...

  • 3 Replies

Not sure if anyone else is experiencing this but in the last week all quizzes given within the new quizzing system for all instructors in my department has populated "no reports yet" under the "Moderate">"Quiz and Item Analysis" section.  Usually the...

  • 7 Replies

they are not coming to my spam or regular folder! help!!!  i need into my canvas to do my homework!

  • 1 Replies

Hello,We have some users (both proffessors and students) having problems with the messaging system in Canvas.They report that after refreshing the page, all newly read messages will be marked again as unread.Also, some new messages will be marked as ...

  • 1 Replies

I have a group assignment in a course involving four other students.  I want to set up a discussion group with these four classmates so that we can discuss our project in a group forum.  How do I create a discussion group as a student?

  • 1 Replies

Hello everyone,Just recently, I've started having an issue when I try and download a file submission from a student in SpeedGrader. I get an "Access Denied: Access to this page is limited to authorized users. You do not currently have permission to v...

  • 3 Replies

Hello, I use screencast quite often......can I turn in video submissions on canvas with a copied link from my screencast?

  • 1 Replies

HI am trying to do my orientation but stuck at Module 2 as US visa immigration is showing access denied.

  • 1 Replies

I have updated Chrom on my laptop. I still cannot take the test. any suggestions?

  • 1 Replies

 when i add a edu app which i added in to canvas in assigments as Submission Type/ external app. And save it. But it doesn't load the app url.I stopped by the first step!

  • 2 Replies

How do I make recent courses the homepage in Canvas on my laptop? Currently, the landing page is the first course I ever took in Canvas. 

  • 1 Replies

The previous teacher added me to the canvas modeule for last years course.  Since I will be taking it over do I remove her files and add mine to this shell or will I be given an entirely new sandbox for the course?  I see her old students listed in t...

  • 1 Replies

We have updated some quizzes and assessments in blueprint master and we want to keep previous results.How syncing will impact on previous result?What will happens if I sync blueprint with existing course?What will be with all students results? 

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Canvas Question Forum
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I'm an admin at a college, and I need to lock the "Course Details" page of the "Settings" section of courses. We have several settings on this page that need to be locked for the integration of Canvas with our SIS. Faculty would be welcome to reach o...

  • 2 Replies

hello I registered for a course #18776 how can I get acces to it please?

  • 1 Replies

My course is set up with weekly modules.  I would like to allow students to work ahead, so if they complete certain items in Module 1 early they can start on Module 2 early.  I can set that up using prerequisites.  However, I would ALSO like Module 2...

  • 1 Replies

Can anyone please tell me WHY the "print grade report" appearance changed 4 days before the end of school??? What was a concise, well formatted grade report displaying all assignments, grade categories, status and points awarded in a 3-4 page report ...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Does the GraphQL API support quizzes (not New Quizzes)? If not, is it on the roadmap to support this?Is there any documentation on this?

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Canvas Question Forum
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Jeg forsøker å legge til en GFORM-fil i en ny modul,  men får følgende feilmelding: "Kan ikke overføre fil til lagringsenhet. Denne tjenesten kan være nede eller du må kanskje logge på Canvas på nytt". Forslag?   I'm trying to add a GFORM file to a n...

Community Member
Canvas Question Forum
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Images do not appear in the quiz. They did initially but not now.  Some students had the same issue. 

  • 7 Replies

I created a listening test on my school's Canvas platform. I uploaded the audio tracks as WEBM files. They play fine, BUT when I tried to import the test with the question bank and the audio files folders, I get an error when I try to run the test. I...

  • 2 Replies

Assignment disappearedsomeone please help I submitted an assignment for the course And forgot to attach a document. Professor emailed me and asked to resubmit and  I did. I was in a hurry, left the house after I sent that over ..  now she just gave m...

  • 1 Replies

I would like to create "teams" (groups) of 5 people, with three teams in one "pod."  This would allow teams a separate place to exchange ideas, while maintaining the integrity of each team.  A metaphor might be separate teams and offices that can mee...

  • 1 Replies

The discussion option on the left side on blue doesn't pop up for me. But the assignment requires me to do so.

  • 1 Replies