How do I automate reminders for assignment submission dates (2 weeks, 1 week and due date) reminders?

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Hi y'all,


How do I automate reminders for assignment submission dates (2 weeks, 1 week and due date) reminders?

It has been requested that we automate the sending of email reminders to students two weeks, one week and one day before an assignment is due. I can't see an option to do this anywhere. They want a custom message generated that will remind students at those specific times to submit assignments. Help!


I will use any option that is available - apps, integrations, weird workarounds, anything.

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1 Solution

Hello! Unfortunately, there's not a way to schedule and send email reminders to students. You can however, schedule course announcements ahead of time at any interval needed. Should students have their notifications turned on, they will also receive an email. 


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