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Notifications can be delivered in a daily summary, which is set to be delivered at 18:00 by default, or a weekly summary which is set to be delivered at saturday between 17:00 and 19:00 by default. Can a user change the time and date for these summar...

  • 1 Replies

Is it possible to share a Google Earth Project (a .kml file) in Canvas? Any guidance is greatly appreciated! 

  • 2 Replies

Greetings,It seems that I cannot find 'vary points by answer' feature. We are using Canvas open source version. Is there any settings to unlock it?Thank you in advance  

  • 1 Replies

I looked into how to delay an announcement and followed the instructions to check "Delay" under "Options" then choosing a time. However, the instructions in the Instructors Guide and any I found in the question form explain that I should then click o...

Community Novice
Canvas Question Forum
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hy what is the difference/relationship between canvas and ulwazi

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I am having two issues currently with using the Edpuzzle app within Canvas. 1. When Canvas is pulling the grades over it is giving my students strange scores (ex: 15.01 out of 16). When I go to Edpuzzle the score says 15 out of 16. 2. I have my Canva...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I cannot view comments being made by students in an anonymous peer review assignment. When I click the student who was assigned I get an Unauthorized screen. I am the faculty member teaching the course so have no idea why this would be.

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Canvas Question Forum
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If I have an assessment that is already published and make changes, will this automatically go to students that have not already started?

  • 1 Replies

Hello Everyone,I have faculty with courses that involve both individual assignments and groups assignments. I've received multiple notes that faculty get the "Select a Student Group..." message in Speedgrader for individual assignments, and then it a...

Community Member
Canvas Question Forum
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Hi,There is a link on our left nav bar that points to an external site. I want to change that link but only for this particular page, not all Canvas courses at my college. We have done this before, but we can't remember how we did it. I've been to Se...

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
  • 7 Replies

Last year Canvas began populating my To Do list with assessments which needed to be graded that were made using the New Quizzes option.  It was wonderful.Today it appear that this update has been removed.  When students complete a test created under ...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
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I need to remove the assignment that I have submitted and upload another one.  Can you help with this? It says that re submissions are allowed but I can't see what I can do to achieve this.  thanks. 

  • 2 Replies

Hello! I am trying to figure out if there is some sort of way I can edit the course navigation for all new courses that are made. Right now whenever I make a new course it adds course navigation links to simple syllabus, and other LTI software that w...

  • 1 Replies

I Can't create or edit an assignment, I don't see the option.

  • 3 Replies

On every one of my courses (22/23 year, maybe previous years too) there are incorrect display properties - everything is jumbled up (assignment files for sure, maybe other things as well).  Has anyone else experienced this issue in the past week and ...

  • 10 Replies

How do I import a grade sheet from a previous version of a course?

  • 1 Replies

For some reason, it thinks I'm an admin? Also, how do access my class? Do I have to wait until it starts? Please help

  • 1 Replies

Kindly help me to resolve the DNS option in the canvas  LMS so that we can create a customised application for creating a customer records in the LMS 

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I have assigned assignments to my class with a numbers file template. However when they click the file to edit it they can't save the file as their own in their own login. Help please

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Canvas Question Forum
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I need students to upload a Numbers file to a module/assignment on Canvas Student Qlearn App. It says students not authorised to do this. Is this an admin issue I need to find out?

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hi there, I'm writing to ask about my OLE courses on Canvas. After enrolling three OLE courses, there's no options in the time preference procedure regarding my OLE courses, and I can't see any OLE module on my Canvas. I greatly appreciate if you can...

  • 1 Replies

My internet speed doesn't seem to be an issue, but it's very slow on every device I have.

Community Novice
Canvas Question Forum
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A week or so ago Firefox updated to version 109 and even since then all of the windows are blank. This has happened on a few different computers with the same OS and Firefox. I can see the navigation bar on the left, everything else is blank. I have ...

  • 4 Replies

A few of the students for a class I TA for have asked to retake quizzes as practice for an upcoming exam. Is there any built in feature in Canvas that allows me to reopen quizzes that give correct answer feedback without it affecting their original g...

  • 3 Replies

Based on what I have read, it seems as though there is no limit on the maximum number of assignments within a course, but it rather depends on the file storage available. For this course, the file storage is set at 3000 megabytes. I am working on a r...

  • 1 Replies

At my institution, we are moving to a competency-based mode of assessment for many of our courses and have started to use the outcome tool for individual courses. Our intention is to start adding outcomes at the sub-account level and tracking outcome...

Community Member
Canvas Question Forum
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HI, if anyone can please respond with an answer, I'd be very grateful. I have an image I want to upload as the thumbnail picture I will see in the Dashboard class tile for a course I am teaching. However, the image is a little too large to fit in the...

  • 2 Replies

Whenever I open a Power Point slide on Canvas, there's this wasted white space at the right side of my screen and I really want to expand the "slides screen" all the way to the right edge to not see any wasted space. Is there a way to do it?

  • 1 Replies

Is Canvas compatible with Opera GX browser ?

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