How do I generate an aggregate report of student performance across classes using standardized rubrics

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For Assessment and Accreditation purposes we would like to pull aggregated data about student performance on standardized rubrics.

I discovered the rubric score exporter from the University of Colorado - Boulder, however, it really only works on one assignment at a time.

We utilize a central bank of standardized rubrics and would like to aggregate all assessments that utilize a particular rubric in order to determine overall performance.

Thank you for any suggestions!

2 Solutions
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @DMalewski and welcome to the community.

My go to on this is Canvas Mastery Outcomes which can report across accounts and courses

You can include the outcomes as part of the grading criteria, or track them alongside the criteria.

The outcomes must be set up at the highest level you want to aggregate across and deployed from there - they can be associated with individualised outcomes lower down the hierarchy.

In our testing we found it simpler to deploy the whole set of outcomes as a rubric from which unwanted / irrelevan outcomes could be deleted against each assignment, rather than getting the instructors to dig around for the outcomes and add the individually.

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Community Coach
Community Coach

If you aren't already using Outcomes, you will likely need to build a custom report using Canvas Data and/or the Canvas APIs to get the data.  Canvas Data would be recommended for efficiency since you are seeking data across numerous courses.  While the Canvas API can be used, it is going to take significantly longer to get the data and build a report with it using this approach.

You can also check-out a Chrome extension you could use to get the submission report data for an entire course.  While this doesn't aggregate data across multiple courses, it is an improvement over the customization you found for one assignment at a time.  Custom Course Reports 

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