How do I post one quiz in several modules?

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I want to post one quiz but I want that quiz to be available in two or more weekly modules. I want only one column item for the quiz score on the Grades page. It appears the option to make one quiz available in two or more weekly modules is not available. Apparently, I am locked in to place only one quiz in only one weekly module. The option to duplicate a quiz is not acceptable option as this creates separate copies of the same quiz in the weekly modules with a multitude of separate column results for the same quiz on the grades page. It's confusing to me and to the students.

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2 Solutions
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @andsoforth,

As far as I know, an individual assignment or quiz item can only be put into one module at a time, as you have discovered.  If the modules are weekly/dated type things, you could move it from this week's module to next week's manually when the next module started, but that's about the bets idea I can come up with to do something close to what you'd like.

The way modules work in Canvas, having the same assignment/quiz in multiple modules would present some challenges.  One I can think of off the top of my head would be that the previous/next buttons, as currently done, wouldn't know where to send students.  Another complication could module requirements/completion configuration.  Jist bringing these things up because it might seem this would be an easy thing for Instructure to add/fix, but the behind-the-scenes reality is probably much more complicated.

Hope this does help a bit at least though.


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Community Contributor

Hi @andsoforth ,

As @chriscas explained, there are various reasons that this limitation may apply.

Perhaps you could create a Module to hold all your quizzes and then place a link into each respective module that sends the students to the appropriate quiz. This method would serve a similar purpose of "presenting" the quiz within a particular module but without the duplication issue because the quiz itself would "live" somewhere else.

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