Making Announcement tab visible to students

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All announcement are not visible to the student, how do I turn on the page so announcements I make can be seen by the students?

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Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @PhillipMADDEN,

You'll just need to visit the course settings -> navigation tab and enable the announcements tool from there!


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Community Contributor

You also need to publish your first Announcement. If you have not published any Announcements, you will see a crossed out eyeball. Once you send out an Announcement, the crossed-out eyeball will go away. You can also go into the Student View to make sure that your students can see your Announcement

I recommend that you "pin" the most recent Announcement(s) to the top of your Home Page. To do this, go into your Course Settings. Then scroll down to the bottom of the page and look for the words more options in tiny blue letters. Click on that. Now, you'll have an option to "pin" the Announcements.

@chriscas @greydon  Once again, here I am explaining more options.  It gets kind of old. The option of "pinning" Announcements to the top of the Home Page should show up when a Teacher clicks on Announcements. One possible solution would be to create a Gear Icon, like the one in the Gradebook, to allow for this global setting. 

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