New Quizzes Results do not match the Speed Grader or Mark book

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I am using autograded quizzes that students are able to retake until they get 100%. I have some students that have retaken the quiz, and are now on 100%.

However, the final result does not match the score they received - even in the Speed Grader. I have checked the quiz Settings and can confirm it is set to keep the Highest score.

I know I can manually change their grades, but it is frustrating that these results are incorrectly carried over. Any ideas on how I can solve this?

Kind Regards

Alex van Nunen - Teacher

1 Solution


Thank you for clarifying about the grade and confirming that it wasn't in progress.  I know in the past there were sometimes issues with grades loading over, but I thought that issue was fully resolved.  When I tested in my own course, I did see grades updating with multiple attempts, but there may be some other issue going on.  The only time I got a different score was when I had something other than "Highest" set for the score. 

Since you said you already confirmed it is set to "Highest", I would recommend contacting the Canvas admin/tech support at your school and/or Canvas Support with this issue so they can investigate it further.  They would have more direct access to be able to work through additional troubleshooting with you on this.

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