No Warning message for Deleting Folders that are not empty?

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Community Champion

I was just helping a colleague with deleting folders in his course.  I decided to see if there was a warning message if a folder that had content was selected to be deleted.  The only message is the dialog box asking to confirm the deletion of the folder. 

I always check my folders first.  However, because they were looking for help on deleting folders, I decided to check for the unfortunate event of deleting files or folders inadvertently by deleting the folder that contained those files and sub folders.

Does anyone know if there is such a warning?  I am used to UNIX/Linux that will not delete a directory if it is not empty(unless you force the deletion).

If there is no such warning, I will put in a feature request for that warning to be put in.

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1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hi @Ron_Bowman 

I checked our Idea Conversations page and was unable to find any feature requests made as of yet for this to be added. As of right now, it is not a feature of Canvas. Hope that helps!

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