OneRoster Integration - Gradebook Comments

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Hello! We are Canvas LMS fans, but we are using the PowerSchool SIS as well. We are exploring the grade passback process. We are going to move to OneRoster in August before the next school year, so we are not able to fully test our processes out. Our question is - Will using OneRoster bring over the gradebook comments between teacher and students (in Canvas over to PowerTeacher Pro gradebook)?

Thanks much! Jacqui

1 Solution

Hello @pritchaj 

That is a great question! I am not totally sure if that is possible or not. 

For this question, you might be able to ask your CSM if it will sync the comments made in the gradebook to OneRoster. 

If you are uncertain of who your CSM is, you can always try and contact support and they can reach out to them for you. 

Someone from the community might be able to answer this question for you if they are already using OneRoster. 


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