Online Quiz without Enrolling

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Is it possible, with the FREE version of Canvas, to only have one standard enrolment login, that could be given out to multiple external users, which they could then login to do an online quiz?

The back story is that we are a local council.  We have created a manual which advises the community on how to set up a certain type of community group.  At the end of the manual, there will be an online quiz to let the user know how much they have learnt from the manual.

However, we would ideally like to be able to put the directions on how to access the online quiz in the manual - without us having to give each individual student a login (as this would not be practicable for us as any member of the public would need access to this quiz).

Is this possible with the FREE version?

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @teepee,

I don't really think this would be advisable in the "Free for Teacher" Canvas or even in a paid/hosted Canvas environment.  Just off the top of my head, I know it will create issues if more than one person tried to take the quiz at the same time, or also if one forgets to hit "submit" at the end basically leaving an open attempt.  I would also just hazard an educated guess that there is some kind of upper limit for attempts coded into Canvas in various places, as they are really expecting multiple attempts to come from the same student.  As an example, we have found that or Assignments (not quizzes, but same idea), Turnitin reports are only generated for the first 50 submission attempts.

I would highly recommend finding a way to give these users unique logins.  I don't know enough about the Free for Teacher instance to make a recommendation on setup, but someone else might come along and be able to provide more guidance around that.

Hope this helps a bit!


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