Option to block grade submission

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If a rubric is present for marking, it will be good to give an option to the assignment designer to block submitting the grade by the marker if any rubric criteria have been missed.

On occasion a marker will mark student's work using a rubric. When they double-click on a rubric to assign points in Speedgrader, those points are selected (first click) and deselected (second click) by mistake, rendering that rubric criterion unaddressed. Thus creating a possibility that student's will lose any points they would get from that unselected / deselected criterion.

As you can see on the screenshot, one of the rubric criterions have been marked or addressed (5 points selected) while another is left unmarked. Adding a warning or creating a toggle for the rubric creation, where if a rubric criterion is not addressed in Speedgrader, this would block the marker from submitting the grade? That would ensure all criterions have been addressed, by result the total points are correct, making it harder to make mistakes while marking.



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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @chike424,

I am not sure if you are aware but Canvas is currently in the process of upgrading the "rubrics engine" (it is currently called "Enhanced Rubrics" but that could change in the future).  You can learn about it using the links below as starting points.

  1. from ‎2023-11-22: Embarking on a Journey of Transformation: Upcoming Rubrics Redesign - Instructure ...
  2. from ‎2024-04-04: Canvas Rubric Redesign: Progress, Challenges, and Next Steps - Instructure Communi...
  3. from 2024-08-21: Enhanced Rubrics User Group - Instructure Community - 612554
  4. Enhanced Rubrics (Feature Preview) - Instructure Community

I would encourage you to review those areas, join the group hub (#4 above), and participate in its group hub to suggest features.  You might need to reach out to your institution's Canvas team to enable the feature.

I would not be surprised if you are encouraged to submit this as an idea in the Community so that others can vote on it.

As an FYI, the idea submission process is going to be changing.


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