Practice quiz screen freezing after submitting.

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 I just finished doing a practice quiz but after submitting it the module froze on the assessment result screen which is preventing me from moving onto the next module. I've tried leaving the page, restarting my PC, clearing my cache and re-signing into Canvas and nothing has worked so far.

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @LukeSask,

That screenshot doesn't really look like anything I have seen in Canvas before.  I'm wondering if your teacher is using some sort of external assessment tool that they integrated with Canvas.  I think the best advice for you is to contact your teacher and let them know you're having trouble.  If your school/institution has a Canvas help team, it may be beneficial to let them know too.  The Instructure Community here primarily has other Canvas users around the world reading and responding to questions, but none of us can see your exact course, so it's very hard to provide any help for this specific situation.

I hope your teacher or local help personnel are able to sort this out for you!


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