Problems caused by "Automatically apply grade for missing submissions"

Community Explorer

Problem One:

The grade in Spreedgrader (zero) did not match the grade for the assignment in Grades (ungraded), and the total grade in Grades was based on the Speedgrader grade and not the Grades grade for the assignment, resulting in an incorrectly low total grade.

Problem Two:

In a published course, if an assignment was published with a due date in the past and then the due date was updated, students are assigned a 0. This means that there are assignments not due for weeks, but all students have a 0 for those assignments.


Does anyone know if there is a way to get Speedgrader to update the grade to ungraded or not yet turned in when:

  • A student turns in a late assignment
  • A faculty member changes the due date of an assignment?

This has been a big problem this semester for our faculty! I just want grades to be accurate and for students and faculty to have a good user experience!

Please let me know if more details would be helpful!

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