Quiz not showing in Gradebook when it is added as a link to a Canvas page

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I have created a page for each of my assignments. On that page I added links to an Assignment and a quiz. None of these assignments are showing in the Gradebook. I have already check the following: 

  1. The assignments, quizzes and page is published. 
  2. The assignments and quizzes are in a an assignment group. 

Are there other areas I should check? 



1 Solution

Hi @LeslieKeller 

Adding a link to the assignments and quizzes to a page won't affect them on the gradebook. 

If the assignments are created in the "assignments" tab and the quizzes on the "quizzes" tab, and they are all set to be graded items, they will show on the gradebook. 
You just need to make sure you are using Canvas's assignment and quizzes tools for that. 

If the assignments are set up as graded assignments, and they are still not showing on the gradebook, try filtering the gradebook by grading periods and making sure you have "all grading periods" selected to show. 

If you don't have grading periods on your course and the assignments are still not showing on the gradebook, I would advise you to reach out to Canvas support so they can verify the specific course where you are seeing this and they will be able to give you more information regarding that. 

Here is a guide on how to contact Canvas support:

How do I contact Canvas Support? 

Thank you.

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