[ARCHIVED] Quizzes.Next Question Banks

Community Participant

We just finished speaking with our CSM about the Quizzes.Next rollout. One thing that is concerning is that question banks in Quizzes.Next are tied to individual users and not courses. While that may work well for K12, it's a big problem for HiEd, especially those with large online learning initiatives. Our campus works from a master course model (e.g., one course template is developed and then copied to teaching sections each term). One course template, created by a course developer and faculty expert, can be copied into dozens of live sections each term (every 8 weeks). That course copy includes everything (materials, modules, assignments, quizzes...etc.) required to teach that course online. The person who developed the master shell template is almost never the person who actually teaches the live course (our course developers would have all of these question banks tied to their user accounts).


What are we supposed to do ? Go into every online course template every 8 weeks and share the question banks with thousands of instructors and risk the chance that they could delete the whole thing ?

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