Rubric Feedback

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I'm just wondering if it is possible to create a bank of feedback comments that can be used across multiple Rubrics/Assessments?


you're able to save a comment you make when giving feedback so that you can utilize it again for that singular task, but I can't seem to find if its possible to transfer these comments between tasks. it would be useful to be able to do, so you don't have to consistently write the same comments that are useable between the tasks.

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @Reeves88,

I can see how this would be functionality would be helpful, especially since it already exists for the SpeedGrader.

I am not sure if you are aware but Canvas is currently in the process of upgrading the "rubrics engine" (it is currently called "Enhanced Rubrics").  You can learn about it using the links below as starting points.

  1. from ‎2023-11-22: Canvas Rubric Redesign: Progress, Challenges, and ... - Instructure Community - 59...
  2. from ‎2024-04-04: Canvas Rubric Redesign: Progress, Challenges, and ... - Instructure Community - 59...
  3. from 2024-08-21: Enhanced Rubrics User Group - Instructure Community - 612554
  4. Enhanced Rubrics (Feature Preview) - Instructure Community

I would encourage you to review those areas, join the group hub (#4 above), and participate in its group hub to suggest features.  You might need to reach out to your institution's Canvas team to enable the feature.

I would not be surprised if you are encouraged to submit this as an idea in the Community so that others can vote on it.

As an FYI, the idea submission process is going to be changing.


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