Sort discussions into groups as an instructor

Community Member

This is actually related to another question I asked regarding YouTube captions not being available in Canvas Studio.

Since Studio won't/can't use the captions I already created for my YouTube videos, I needed to find another way to post these videos to my course.  Part of the reason I really loved Studio was the ability for students to comment on the video - which made for a quick and easy way for folks to ask questions.

Well, I needed to find a way to use my YouTube captions and still allow my students to comment their questions - so I created a discussion board and embedded the video in the topic.  This allows for the YouTube player controls (meaning my captions work) and the students can still comment.

That part is spiffy, but I wanted to be able to create a group within the discussion index that is JUST these video discussions - that way they don't get mixed in with the ACTUAL class discussions.  Essentially, I want to be able to group them similar to the assignments interface (where I have "Quizzes", "Papers", "Discussions", etc.), but the discussions would have group names like "Discussion Topics", "Lesson Videos", etc.

Is there any way to do this?  Or do I just manually shift my discussion entries around in the index to make sure they are in the order I want?  Or do I just pin the topic discussions and not the video posts?

Any help would be welcome!

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