Students marked "pending" status but have viewed pages in the course?

Community Member

Canvas screenshot.JPG

This is a screenshot of a student that has the pending flag still attached to their account, but you can see from the Last Activity that they have been in the course. This screenshot is from the People section of the course. 

I can also confirm in their Page View details on their account that they have viewed course URLs including the invite link and various modules. 

How is this possible? I thought the student had to either accept the invite or if they viewed the course, that the pending flag would disappear? 

I've searched forums and haven't found anything concrete. The closest forum that explains this issue is this, where I believe it's being suggested that the students may have accessed via a direct link - I tested this and could not replicate and don't understand how a student could view the invite link and still have a pending flag?:

Has anyone run into this before and know the cause so we can fix this?


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