Submitted late to an assignment that says 'This assignment does not count toward the final grade'.

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My school has a 10% deduction for  late submission, but like the subject says the assignment was labelled 'This assignment does not count toward the final grade.' Will the 10% still be deducted ? If No, can the teacher still make changes and make it count towards the final grade and cause a deduction?

1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hello @TELVIN 

Thank you for contacting the Canvas Community. In a situation like this, it's much easier for Canvas Support to look at specifics of the assignment, the gradebook, etc. but based on the information you've provided we should be able to give you an answer. The 10% late deduction is a standard for everyone in the class. It drops your score usually per day that percentage until 0 or a certain threshold (like 50%) However, the "This assignment does not count towards the final grade" is based on a rule your teacher has set up for a particular group of assignments. More than likely, there is a grouping of assignments and your teacher has a rule to drop the lowest score or two, or three, etc. Your 10% deduction is not being added in addition to the score not applying to you grade. Basically, this is a good thing and because of the 10% drop you had a lower score. But because of the dropping the assignment altogether, it won't be counting negatively towards your grade whatsoever. Hopefully this helps! 

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