Turn Off Dashboard Photos (student)

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Hi there! Some of my instructors used dashboard pictures, but some did not. It drives me crazy that my dashboard is mixed between images and solid colors. Plus, I don't like the look of the color overlay. 

How can I (as a student) turn off the dashboard photos? For clarification, I'd like my courses to appear with color, but no pictures. 


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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

@KWargo ...

Unfortunately, removing the photos is not possible from a student perspective.  An instructor can choose whether or not he/she wants to add a photo to the course card on the Canvas Dashboard.  That photo for the course is displayed for everyone who is enrolled in the course.  If an instructor chooses not to add a photo, then it will just display a color on the course card.

Sorry I don't have better news for you, but I hope this helps to answer your question.

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