assignments not working

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My NC High School CANVAS had issues where it would take a submitted assignment and then erase or not display the data when I checked the submitted assignment.  In these cases the teacher simply saw that the assignment was never turned in.
I also had problems where all other students in class could submit jpg, gif, bmp, google slides and <5mb videos but I could not (I ended up getting an NC 504 plan to submit via email).  
I also had problems where 3rd party applications for quizzes would either randomly keep dumping me from program (no time limit were set) or only record 1/5, 2/5, etc number of questions.

Now at UNC School of the Arts (using NC CANVAS again): 
1. When I SUBMIT an assignment I will get either a checkmark or some sign of submission. Sometimes when I go check the assignment went in, it is there, but then the Professor checks they don't see an assignment.  Other times I'll check and the submitted assignment field is blank.
2. I have a current class in which I submitted assignments on CANVAS the entire semester, I have checkmarks by all assignments, but the Professors (we changed up to 3 different Profs of various subjects) all say there are ZERO assignments submitted.
2a. My father logged in as me on his laptop and he sees what the Professors see: missing assignments.
BUT when I log in on my laptop all the assignments have been submitted. See examples attached.
2b. When I open those assignments now the submissions are either blank "Missing" or blank "Late" despite saying they were submitted on my end.
3. I have continue to have issues submitting/uploading various files regardless of file size (resorting to zip file and email for larger pieces).
4. I also cannot view other students submitted presentations (slideshow, video, and sometimes text) when I am supposed to read/comment on their work.

I am quite literally being told that I haven't done any work this semester in one class that I will now fail despite having submitted ALL work via CANVAS.  I don't think that UNCSA will believe me even though I have screen capture evidence.
I have two other classes with similar problems (see example below), but in those cases managed to get them to agree to take EMAILS of assignments instead (but this is extra work, takes longer to grade, they 'lose' emails, etc etc).

Last semester I had to access Pearson College Algebra online via UNCSA Canvas.  The Pearson program would often dump me out of the program and/or lose my work/answer midway. On rare occasion it worked answers would be changed or missing (I had screenshots then).  Prof and I called Pearson and they had absolutely no clue why their program was having this issue JUST with me at UNCSA.
This completely screwed up grading in CANVAS (not sure how it worked, but Pearson stuff dumped directly into CANVAS).  I ended up getting Professor to give me bundles of PDF versions that I completed.

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @TeaOlson,

This definitely seems like a weird problem, and I know it must be very frustrating for you.  Members of the Canvas Community here are generally other Canvas users (students, teachers, and administrators), so we don't have any access to your specific school's environment or your user account.  The problems you're facing don't seem to be widespread at all, so my initial reaction as a Canvas admin is that the issues around disconnects would be either caused by your internet connection being unstable or something on your specific device, like an antivirus, browser extension, or something similar.

I would highly recommend contacting Canvas Support, as they would have more ability to investigate this, but ultimately you'll probably have to work things out with your school and/or teacher since they generally have the final say on grading.

I know this probably isn't the clear answer you were hoping for, but I hope it helps a bit.


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