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It would be really great if there was a way to excuse a student from an assignment.  You could place a X in the grade box or add an EX in the grade box.  This would allow the teacher and students to know that the students does not deserve a 0 and the...

  • 4 Replies

Hello all,I am trying to embed an HTML5 interactive video in Canvas... and having no luck!  Here is a link to the video on the host site:   Video Experiment | H5P Here is the embed code:  (It is also attached, just in case the code is cleaned in the ...

  • 4 Replies

I WISH I could take credit for discovering this, but my colleague  @sgraff ​ told me about this.If you want to copy something in your course, assignment, quiz, rubric, etc, there IS a way!Go to settings>import content>copy canvas course.   Then do a ...

  • 14 Replies

I would like to conduct a SIS import with student photo's (avatars) into Canvas.

  • 6 Replies

Hi there!I am one of two Canvas administrators at a high school in Sydney, Australia. We have been implementing Canvas this year which has generated lots of interesting discussions.One of those discussions has lead to a request for certain 'terminolo...

  • 18 Replies

Can Course Navigation (left nav bar in a course) be set (and locked down) at the Admin level? I see that in the Course Settings, Course Navigation can be edited. But I want to know if an admin can override this. Can it be done in Canvas "out of the b...

  • 4 Replies

An easy way to create what I (in my utterly unprofessional terminology) refer to as "scrolly boxes". Useful if you want to include a loooooong set of info on a Page without making the Page itself 10 miles tall.<div id="yourName" style="overflow-y: sc...

  • 1 Replies

I'd posted this in the old Community and it seemed some people liked/used it, so here it is again - how to make hanging indents!<p style="margin-left: 20px; text-indent: -20px;">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed placerat ac...

  • 18 Replies

I would dearly love to align YouTube embeds in a Page, as I can do with most other media (Vimeo, <iframe>d anything, images) - e.g. using the "align" attribute. However, my noodling with style attributes on YouTube objects at best only affects the te...

  • 2 Replies

Hi,I'm trying to find a mechanism to collaboratively annotate a PDF with my class. We're reading some dense material and I'd like to have a more social and collaborative reading experience. I know I can do a collaborative google doc or ether pad doc,...

  • 14 Replies

So at CanvasCon in Florida yesterday, the question about groups vs. banks came up.  Here are my thoughts on them:Right now, I prefer groups over banks for 2 reasons. 1, you can edit a question in a live quiz with groups and regrade automatically.  Yo...

  • 22 Replies