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Last week I uploaded my assignment because the upload option displayed as I read the rubric.  This week's assignment is due tomorrow, the 19th, and an upload option doesn't appear anywhere, including when viewing the rubric.  I emailed my work to the instructor, so the problem isn't imminent, but I wonder if the missing upload option is fixed at her end or it is my issue.   Can the Prof control it week to week?

Thank you for your time.  This is my first year with Canvas, and some things are still a mystery to me.

Best to you,

Gary Masters

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Community Coach
Community Coach


Each assignment has its own setting for the instructor to select whether the assignment requires text to be entered in a text box, or a file to be uploaded, or participation  in a quiz/discussion board, etc., or if it is graded based on activity that takes place outside of Canvas.  Only your instructor (or Canvas Support at your school) can tell you what the requirements are for this week's assignment.

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