How do I grade an assignment submission in the Teacher app on my Android device?
You can grade assignment submissions using SpeedGrader in the Teacher app. You can enter an assignment score or use a rubric to grade a submission.
When you are finished grading an assignment for a student, swipe left or right to view other student submissions.
- The images in this lesson are shown for a phone display, but unless otherwise noted, tablet displays mirror the same steps.
- Multiple users should not grade assignments at the same time since each grader cannot view the most recent information for a submission.
- You cannot upload files to assignment submissions when grading in the Teacher app.
Open Course

In the Dashboard, tap the name of the course you'd like to view.
Open Assignments

Tap the Assignments link.
Open Assignment

Tap the name of the assignment.
Open Submissions

Tap the Need Grading status link [1].
Note: If you want to filter submissions by a different status, tap the Arrow icon [2] and apply the filter in the Submissions page.
Open Submission

Locate the student's submission and tap the name of the student.
Open Grade Tab

Tap the Grade tab.
Add Grade

In the Grade tab, tap the Add icon.

In the grade field [1], enter the grade for the submission according to your grading standard (i.e. points).
If you want to excuse the student from the assignment instead, tap the Excuse Student checkbox [2]. Grades in excused assignments are not calculated in the student's total grade.
To save the grade, tap the OK link [3] or tap the Enter key on your mobile keyboard.
Use Grade Slider

You can also enter a grade using the grade slider. Tap and hold the slider handle [1] and drag it to the position that represents the desired grade. Grades will display above the handle [2].
To remove the grade, drag and hold the icon at the left end of the scale.
Use Rubric

If you added a rubric with your assignment, you can use the rubric to help you score the student's submission. The Grade tab displays whether or not the grade is calculated by the rubric.
To view the rubric short rating summary, tap and hold the rating number [1].
To view multiple criteria in the rubric, you can adjust the height of the grades window by tapping and holding the menu bar [2].

If you selected the rubric to be used for grading, you can automatically apply points to the submission grade.
To select rubric points, tap the rubric score [1]. Selected criteria will be highlighted.
To add a custom score not included in the criteria options, tap the Add icon [2]. You can add a manual grade for the criteria.
- Once you have entered a score for a rubric, the rubric score cannot be removed.
- If your rubric is not set to be applied for grading, you can still tap the points for each rubric criterion, but you'll have to add the points manually and enter them in the grade field.
View Grade

View the grade for the assignment submission.
View Late Penalty

You can view detailed scores for assignments that incur late penalties. Grades with late penalties will include the graded score [1], the late penalty [2], and the final grade, which is the graded score minus the late penalty [3].
Note: Late penalties can only be set in the Gradebook in the browser version of Canvas.