How do I view context cards in the Teacher app on my Android device?
In Canvas Teacher, you can open context cards to view information specific to students and other users in a course. Context cards can be opened by tapping a user's name from the People page, Submissions list, SpeedGrader, SpeedGrader comments, inbox messages, announcement replies, and discussion replies. This lesson explains how to open context cards from the People page.
The images in this lesson are shown for a phone display, but unless otherwise noted, tablet displays mirror the same steps.
Open Course

In the Dashboard, tap the name of the course you’d like to view.
Open People

Tap the People link.
Open Context Card

To view the context card for a user, tap the name of the user.
View Student Context Card

The context card for a student includes their contact information [1], date/time of last activity [2], and course section [3].
The Grades section displays the total grade before all grades are posted [4] and the total grade after all hidden grades are posted. The grade before posting removes any grades that are currently hidden or muted and matches the grade displayed to the student. The grade after posting includes any grades that are currently hidden or muted. If a final grade override has been applied for the student, the override grade will also display in the Grades section.
The Submissions section displays the number of submitted assignments [5], the number of late assignments [6], and the number of missing assignments [7].
Note: The grade before posting and grade after posting displays for all courses and applies to courses that use post policies in the New Gradebook and courses that use muting grades in the Gradebook.
View User Context Card

Context cards for users other than students include contact information [1], date/time of last activity [2], and section [3].
View Assignments

You can view assignment information from a student's context card.
If the student's context card was opened from the People page, you can also open student submissions. To view or grade a student submission, tap name of the submission.
Message User

To message a user from a context card, tap the Message icon.