How do I message students about assignment submissions in the Teacher app on my Android device?
In the Teacher app, you can message students about their submissions based on the filter set for the assignment. You can send messages to all students, students with late submissions, students who have not submitted a submission, students whose submissions have not been graded, students whose submissions have been graded, students who received a score less than a specific value, and students who received a score greater than a specific value.
Messages are sent to students individually and display in the Conversations Inbox.
The images in this lesson are shown for a phone display, but unless otherwise noted, tablet displays mirror the same steps.
Open Course

In the Dashboard, tap the name of the course you'd like to view.
Open Assignments

Tap the Assignments link.
Open Assignment

To view an assignment, tap the name of the assignment.
Open Submissions

The app will send a message to the filter selected in the app.
If you want to filter submissions by one of the three submission types in the submissions page, tap the submission status [1]. If you want to message a student by specific status, tap the Submissions link [2].
Filter Submissions

To apply a specific filter, tap the Filter link [1].
Tap the type of filter you want to apply [2]. You can filter submissions by all submissions, late submissions, students who have not submitted, submissions that have not been graded, submissions with a score less than a specific value, and submissions with a score greater than a specific value.
Message Students

Tap the Message icon.
View Recipients

You can view the list of recipients for the message. If you want to manually remove any recipients tap the Remove icon.
Send Message

In the message field [1], type your message.
If you want to add an attachment, tap the Attachment icon [2].
When you are finished, tap the Send link [3].
Note: Messages are sent to students individually.