How do I view Pages in the Teacher app in my Android device?
In the Canvas Teacher app, you can view and manage your course pages.
The images in this lesson are shown for a phone display, but unless otherwise noted, tablet displays mirror the same steps.
Open Course

In the Dashboard, tap the name of the course you'd like to view.
Open Files

Tap the Pages link.
View Pages

Pages will display all your course pages. Published pages display a green Checkmark icon [1]. Unpublished pages display a gray Checkmark icon [2]. The front page of the course is indicated by the Front Page label [3].
To create a new page, tap the Add button [4].
Open Page

To open a page, tap the name of the page.
View Page

View your page. To edit the page, tap the Edit icon.
Edit Page

To edit the title of the page, enter the page name in the Title field [1]. To edit the description, enter your changes in the Description field [2].
To set the page as the front page, tap the Set as Front Page toggle button [3]. To publish or unpublish the page, tap the Publish toggle button [4].
To delete the page, tap the Delete Page icon [5].

To manage who can edit the page, tap the Can Edit menu [1]. Then select who can edit the page from the following options: only teachers [2], teachers and students [3], or anyone [4].