
Canvas Outcomes

What are Canvas Outcomes?

  • Outcomes enables the administration and faculty to track students’ progress as measured by pedagogical goals or desired outcomes/ competencies.
  • Grading student work automatically collects and compiles data on student progress for the Outcomes.

Creating Outcomes in Canvas

  • Canvas_Bug_Color_RGB.pngTop Tip Institution-level outcomes should be created at the root account level and then imported into sub-accounts and individual courses
    • Outcomes created at the course level are not reportable except within the Learning Mastery Gradebook
  • Benefits of Creating Outcomes at Account Level

    • Pull account level outcomes into courses/sub-accounts
    • Easily access reports to monitor program success
    • Track accreditation data
    • Cannot be modified at the course level to ensure consistency

Outcome Options

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  • Enter the name or code for the outcome in the Name field [1].
  • To add a friendly name for the outcome, enter a name in the Friendly Name field [2].
  • Use the Rich Content Editor to add an outcome description in the Description field.


  • To modify the name of the proficiency rating of the outcome, click the Proficiency Ratings field and enter the updated term [1]. To modify the number of the proficiency rating, click the Points field and enter the updated number [2].
  • To change how the outcome is calculated, click the Calculation Method drop-down menu [3]. You can select Decaying Average, n Number of Times, Most Recent Score, and Highest Score. Calculation Method Descriptions.
  • You can also select an outcome group for the new outcome. By default, the outcome will be placed in the course outcome group [4]. To select an outcome group, click the name of the group [5]. To create a new group for your outcome, click theCreate New Group link [6].
  • To save your outcome, click the Create button [7].

Organizing Outcomes

  • Outcomes can be organized into groups for program alignments.
  • Canvas_Bug_Color_RGB.pngTop Tip Consider a naming convention to organize outcomes in account reports.
  • asessions_0-1665167285314.png

Importing Outcomes


Account & Sub-account Reports

  • Outcome Export: The Outcome Export report shows all learning outcomes in an account and includes details of all attributes associated with each outcome
  • Outcome Results: The Outcome Results report shows the learning outcome results for all students
  • Student Competency: The Student Competency report shows the learning outcome results for all students (includes associated assignment)

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CBE For Instructors & Course Designers


* Feature Previews are in active development, where feature updates take place outside the product's regular release cycle.

Course Pacing *Feature Preview

If enabled by your institution, you can use Course Pacing to define a pace in which students must complete course tasks. This allows students with different start dates to have the same time frame in which they must complete course tasks..


  • The Course Pacing feature preview is in active development. To provide direct feedback about this feature, please post in the Course Pacing user group.
  • Course Pacing must be enabled in the course settings.
  • If the Course Pacing feature preview is not available in your course, the feature has not been enabled by your institution.

How do I use Course Pacing?




Module Requirements

When you add requirements to a module, students must complete the defined requirements within the module before the module will be marked complete. You can require students to complete all requirements in the module, or have them choose one item to fulfill a specific requirement.

Depending on the module item type, requirements include up to five options:

  • View the item: Students must view the item.
  • Mark as done: Students must mark the assignment or page as done before they can progress to the next item. This option also synchronizes with the student List View Dashboard and completes the item for the student. However, this behavior is only supported when the item with this requirement is located in one module. Adding the same item within multiple modules is not supported.
  • Contribute to the page: Students must post a reply to a non-graded discussion or contribute content to a page (make sure students are allowed to edit pages in the course).
  • Submit the assignment: Students must submit an assignment, post a reply to a graded discussion, or submit a quiz. (Canvas does not allow you to manually enter a grade to fulfill this requirement; a submission must be made by the student.)
  • Score at least: Students must meet a minimum submission score. With this option, an additional field appears where you can enter the minimum score that students must earn. This option is available for all graded assignment types, and the grade must be posted in order for the student to progress to the next module.

Mastery Paths

The Mastery Paths setting can be managed in your course if the setting has been enabled by your institution.

Mastery Paths are based on differentiated assignments, which allows targeted learning activities to be assigned to different users and sections.

With Mastery Paths

  • Assignments are differentiated to individual students automatically
  • No additional work is required aside from grading student assignments as usual
  • The student’s score designates which conditional item(s) they are assigned as a learning path


What are Outcomes?

  • Outcomes enables the administration and faculty to track students’ progress as measured by pedagogical goals or desired outcomes.
  • Grading student work automatically collects and compiles data on student progress for the Outcomes.

How do I create outcome groups for an account?

How do I create an outcome for an account?

Outcomes: Learning Mastery Gradebook

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Community Team
Community Team

View the Instructure Competency Based Education Prospectus


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These webinars were created collaborative between Instructure and California Virtual Campus (CVC). While only those invited by CVC are able to attend the live webinars, anyone may view the recordings and resources. 

Topic Recording Resources
Webinar #1: Designing & Defining Competencies

Recording Link Password: 5^*Jpfz#

Slide Deck
Webinar #2: Aligning Competencies with Assessments

Recording Link Password: +MW8r04C

Slide Deck
Webinar #3: Program & Module Design Principles

Recording Link Password: W8.$yU?C

Slide Deck
Webinar #4: Data, Feedback, and Analytics

Recording Link  Password: yDz6sPb?

Slide Deck


Latest Outcomes Related Releases

Outcome Service Results to Canvas Reporting

New Quiz outcome data is available in the Learning Mastery Gradebook, Student Learning Mastery Gradebook, and the admin account-level Outcome Results report.

Outcome Alignment Summary Tab

Instructors can quickly view a summary of alignments to the Outcomes in their course. Additionally, instructors can use a filter to view all Outcomes, view only those with alignments or those without alignments. 


The "Golden Path" for CBE with Canvas Outcomes

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* Feature Preview in active development, where feature updates take place outside the product's regular release cycle

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Community Team
Community Team

CBE For Canvas Admins


Competency Based Education: Canvas Features


* Feature Previews are in active development, where feature updates take place outside the product's regular release cycle.

Course Pacing *Feature Preview

Course Pacing is best fit for “rolling enrollment” courses, where you want each student to have their own due dates based on the date they enrolled in the course.

Course Pacing, while similar, is not a direct replacement for Pace Plans, which is an LTI tool built by the Instructure Professional Services team and purchased by some users.

As this feature is still in active development there may be limitations that are still being identified and tested

Module Requirements

When you add requirements to a module, students must complete the defined requirements within the module before the module will be marked complete. You can require students to complete all requirements in the module, or have them choose one item to fulfill a specific requirement.

Depending on the module item type, requirements include up to five options:

  • View the item: Students must view the item.
  • Mark as done: Students must mark the assignment or page as done before they can progress to the next item. This option also synchronizes with the student List View Dashboard and completes the item for the student. However, this behavior is only supported when the item with this requirement is located in one module. Adding the same item within multiple modules is not supported.
  • Contribute to the page: Students must post a reply to a non-graded discussion or contribute content to a page (make sure students are allowed to edit pages in the course).
  • Submit the assignment: Students must submit an assignment, post a reply to a graded discussion, or submit a quiz. (Canvas does not allow you to manually enter a grade to fulfill this requirement; a submission must be made by the student.)
  • Score at least: Students must meet a minimum submission score. With this option, an additional field appears where you can enter the minimum score that students must earn. This option is available for all graded assignment types, and the grade must be posted in order for the student to progress to the next module.

Mastery Paths

Mastery Paths are based on differentiated assignments, which allows targeted learning activities to be assigned to different users and sections.

With Mastery Paths

  • Assignments are differentiated to individual students automatically
  • No additional work is required aside from grading student assignments as usual
  • The student’s score designates which conditional item(s) they are assigned as a learning path


What are Outcomes?

Outcomes enables the administration and faculty to track students’ progress as measured by pedagogical goals or desired outcomes.

Grading student work automatically collects and compiles data on student progress for the Outcomes.

How do I create outcome groups for an account?

How do I create an outcome for an account?

Outcomes: Learning Mastery Gradebook

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