How do I create an outcome for an account in Improved Outcomes Management?
If you cannot find an outcome to use, you can create a new outcome for the account. Outcomes can be created from the account, sub-account, or course level.
Outcomes can be included in assignment rubrics as a way to assess mastery of outcomes aligned to specific assignments.
Open Account

In Global Navigation, click the Admin link [1], then click the name of the account [2].
Open Outcomes

In Account Navigation, click the Outcomes link.
Create Outcome
Enter the name or code for the outcome in the Name field [1].
To add a friendly name for the outcome, enter a name in the Friendly Name field [2].
Use the Rich Content Editor to add an outcome description in the Description field [3].
Modify Mastery Calculation Method
You can make changes to calculation methods in the Calculation tab.