Initial post sorting date, discussion revision: major issue

Community Member

Hello everyone the discussion revision is creating a terrible problem trying to reply to students' initial posts. 

The issue is that it is sorting them based on the last reply instead of the initial post date. I have never had that be the case in any learning system I have used and I cannot find initial posts that I have not responded to without scrolling up and down every time. There is no way to change the functionality on my end. 


Currently the old system displays the initial posts in chronological order no matter when the last reply was. I am hoping that this can be restored because it is difficult and time-consuming to use this way. I selected the option to only view the unread messages, but it includes all of the replies not just the initial posts so again I am basically forced to scroll up and down through the entire page every time I need to respond which is four times a week. The initial posts are not in chronological order and there is no way to set them this way.


Instead of new posts coming at either the very top or the very bottom they are getting scattered throughout the entire page based on the date of the last reply so that I have to scroll down the entire page to see any new initial posts in order to reply to them. I have never had this with any learning system and it is not how the current discussions function so please do whatever you can to get canvas to fix this issue!