Elevate Data Quality Usage Tracking (CA Only)
Elevate Data Quality Administrators can utilize the Elevate Data Quality Usage Tracking Report to monitor the adoption and use of Elevate Data Quality among users. To help ensure the most effective data quality program and promote strong data stewardship engagement, we recommend Elevate Data Quality Administrators review this report on a frequent basis (weekly or monthly) to keep an up-to-date Elevate Data Quality user list, as well as, a way to proactively identify end-users who are not logging in or taking the expected and timely action to correct their assigned data issues. Often this report helps administrators to provide targeted support and interventions with data stewards, such as additional training.
The Elevate Data Quality Usage Tracking Report is sent via email notification. It consists of two sections:
- File Upload Status
- Login History
View File Upload Status
The first section shown on the Elevate Data Quality Usage Tracking Report is File Upload Status. This table shows all files accepted by the ElevateCALPADS File Loader and when each was last uploaded. The number of rows last uploaded is displayed. The number of uploads in the current month is also shown.

View Login History
The Login History table shows all current registered Elevate Data Quality users. The user’s last login date is displayed as well as the number of times the user has logged in. The user’s local and state school IDs are included for your reference.

This report can be configured to run daily, but most districts prefer to receive it weekly or monthly.
To enable this report for your district if you are not currently receiving it, please contact data-quality-support@instructure.com. Please specify the frequency with which you would like to receive it.